"When the Song Dies"

Scotland is a country rich in history.  Kings were born and died there.  Battles were declared over territory - fought on the shores and in the fields.  Families were brought together and torn apart.  But that history is slowly disappearing with the passing of time and the passing of those who remember.  Whether it is because there is no one to forward the tales or simply because the younger generation has lost interest is not known.  Perhaps it is a combination of the two, but one thing is certain.  We will not truly feel the loss until it is far too late.

Storytelling, folklore, superstition and song all come together in this short film by Jamie Chambers.  Imagine having a song that was specific to your family, passed down from generation to generation.  An integral part of your culture and your history.  Now imagine that you are the very last to remember it.  Once you are gone, the song will die with you.

Tales of family members who possessed “the gift that no one wanted”.  Second sight.  Being able to fortell death (even your own) seemed commonplace.  Everyone knew at least one person with this ability.  To see the unseen.  To know the seemingly unknowable.  Was it because of their strong connection to their own history?  Or was it simply being more open to such things?

We have reached an age where the technology exists that enables me to write a story and publish it on the same day.  To reach literally millions of people at the click of a mouse.  To talk to someone on the other end of the world day or night and often on the go.  Yet, these stories and songs continue to slowly vanish into the mists.

Oh, you can pick up a book filled with tales from days of old.  But nothing compares to sitting and listening to someone tell them.  Their voice painting pictures and bringing you back in time.  The dialect, specific to not only to their homeland but to their village, remaining virtually unchanged.  In addition to the story, you get to enjoy the little stops along the way.  Little details that may be overlooked or lost in translation by outsiders who - try as they might - will never get it exactly right.
