I didn’t seek her out. She found me. It made me nervous. Baba Yaga’s reputation proceeded her arrival on my doorstep and after working with The Morrigan, I knew what it was to be dragged through the muck by your hair and forced to face things you would rather leave buried.
Once I made the decision to accept her invitation, the Work began. One of the first things I learned was that Baba Yaga is not a fan of clutter. That doesn’t mean she expects your space to be spotless at all times. If there are things you’ve been avoiding or if you are disrespecting an area of your home, this is something you will be expected to amend. If you ask for her help, you will be put to work. She wants payment in elbow grease.
My first task was to go through my space and get rid of everything my ex gave me. I didn’t have much left, but it all had to go. I had to sever all ties fully and completely. I extended this task to anything from my past that had negative energy attached. The decision was made to toss my high school yearbooks. Although I have many great memories, they were buried beneath a lot of hurt. I also downsized my Pagan library, letting go of books that were no longer relevant to my path and forwarding them on to others in the community.
Four years ago, I made the decision to sell my house and live with my parents on their acreage. This would help me become debt-free and also enable me to travel. At this point, I had been living there for three years. Before I moved, I downsized my belongings by 2/3. The majority of my stuff remains packed away because I don't need it now but will when I live on my own again. The next task she set before me was to go through all of it. Every. Single. Item. It was sorted, what I was keeping was repacked/labelled, and what I decided to let go of was donated to a charity garage sale. One glaring example was my collection of 44 candle holders. I paired them down to 18 and donated the rest. The entire process was extremely emotional because there was stuff in there that I honestly didn't want to deal with, but Baba Yaga doesn't have time for avoidance or excuses.