Reading Goals for 2023

Over the last several years, I have worked very hard to create my own version of a minimalist life.  Much of that work was emotional, asking myself what the “stuff” meant to me and why I was keeping it.  I dug deep, made a lot of difficult decisions, and am very happy with the result.  This is why I am somewhat gobsmacked by the fact that I currently have almost 60 unread physical and eBooks, including a series that I borrowed two years ago and have not yet made a priority.  

I moved last summer, and nothing is more eye opening than having to pack, move, unpack, and organize/enjoy/use what I had, including my books.  I discovered the “Reading to Zero” challenge on YouTube and am determined to have zero unread books by the end of this year. 

I am going to focus on all my unread books, keeping only the books that I know I will read again.  The rest will be donated to little free libraries in my area.  With regard to eBooks, if I am going to read it again, I will save it and if not, it will be deleted from my eReader.  I am not really worried about eBooks, as they aren’t taking up physical space, but I still need to read what I have before I can justify buying more.

I tried to think of a creative way to decide which book I will read next.  Would I create a TBR jar, with each title written on a colorful bit of paper?  Make a list, roll the dice, and read the book that matches the number?  Alphabetical order according to author’s last name?  Start at the top of the book cart and read my way through?  In the amount of time that I spent trying to figure this out, I could have read two books.  Honestly, I don’t know why I do that to myself. 

So far, I have just gone with what I was drawn to.  Eventually, that may become more difficult and I will find myself avoiding certain books for whatever reason I haven’t read them already.  In that case, I will read the first chapter and will know whether I want to continue.  If not, then I will DNF the book, pass it on, and pick up something else. 

I will be posting reviews here to share and hope that you will check back for those.  I also hope this inspired you to see your own library with fresh eyes and perhaps find a new and creative way to explore your TBR. 
